Learning Ecosystems
An Emerging Praxis For The Future Of Education

Report by GEF & Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Throughout this report diverse case studies reflect emerging approaches to the co-development of learning ecosystems from around the world inspired and influenced by the fields of biology, ecology, social movements, technology, cosmology, design, innovation, systems leadership and more.

The insights reflected in this report explore the skills, knowledge, and ways of being that support life-long and self-directed learning, approaches to ecosystemic learning, and how educational systems can support collective flourishing, shifting our global society toward long-term resilience and thriving.

Learning ecosystems are emerging as an interdisciplinary response to the increasing complexity of the 21st century
Director for Education and Skills, OECD

The more interdependent the world becomes, the more we need great collaborators and orchestrators. Innovation is rarely the product of individuals working in isolation, but rather an outcome of how we mobilize, share and integrate knowledge. The well-being of societies depends increasingly on people's capacity to take collective action

This report not only develops a coherent framework for future-oriented learning ecosystems that can enable and facilitate a lifelong and lifewide learning culture — it also illustrates how designers, connectors, storytellers and sensemakers can implement this framework successfully

Ecosystem case studies
Drawn from 40 case studies of learning ecosystems around the world
This learning ecosystem mapping tool is for anyone who wants to understand, explore and visualize their learning ecosystem. This process helps you to identify your current state as a learning being in this universe and the interconnection between the personal, place and planetary levels and can be applied to an individual, team or organization.
Ecosystems have a paradoxical ability to maintain both the unity and the variety for an advantageous way of governing" – and the figure next to it
Learning ecosystems as defined by ecosystem leaders today identify three elements that are integral to their essence of being
We identify a variety of roles and competencies ecosystem leaders play when cultivating learning ecosystems as well as the roles played by diverse actors within learning ecosystems – within a spectrum of what we call gardening and weaving in evolving learning ecosystems.